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    Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado? When And On What Grounds?

    By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Domestic Violence Lawyer – Attorney

    Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado?

    Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado?

    Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado? When And On What Grounds? – This article does NOT address asking a Colorado sentencing judge to reconsider his or her sentence under Colorado Rule 35 (b). The law, tactics and issues discussed here analyze an appeal of a judge’s sentence when you have plea bargained and the judge imposes an unfair and unjust sentence.

    Appealing Your Sentence In Colorado

    If you are shocked by the sentence imposed in your Colorado criminal case – an appeal of that sentence is something you may want to consider. Appealing a sentence usually occurs for two reasons.

    The sentence was 

    (1) unlawful;


    (2) unduly harsh or excessive.

    Unlawful Criminal Sentences In Colorado

    A sentence is legally invalid when the terms of the sentence are not authorized by statute. It is also illegal when the sentencing judge considers “inappropriate factors” in imposing the sentence such as a prior criminal case for which you were acquitted.

    Other mistakes can include a sentence that is imposed consecutively (one after the other), instead of concurrently (at the same time) when the law requires a concurrent sentence. Another illegal sentence may fail under the law if it constitutes “cruel and unusual” punishment.

    Unduly Harsh or Excessive Sentences In Colorado

    While Colorado sentencing judge’s have almost absolute discretion in imposing a sentence, a sentence is “excessive” if the sentence permitted by law, but is unfair as applied in your specific situation.

    BOX A trial court has wide discretion in sentencing and, absent a finding of abuse of discretion, an appellate court will not substitute its judgment for that of the trial judge

    While a judge can take into account, the circumstances of your crime, the probability of your rehabilitation, your background, and your criminal record, if any and impose a fair sentence – you cannot be made “to pay” for the crimes of others. A Colorado Court of Appeals can reverse a sentence if it is not “in the interest of justice” finding that a sentencing judge abused his or her discretion in imposing an unduly harsh result upon you.

    But NOTE this – ntermediate appellate courts, such as the Colorado Court of Appeals, while very reluctant to do so and doing so in very rare instances, has the authority to substitute its own discretion for that of the trial court when they review and modifying your sentence.

    The Court of Appeals can change your sentence if is unduly harsh or excessive. If it does, it can send the case back to the trial court for resentencing or impose some lawful lesser sentence that is consistent with your plea bargain.

    Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado? – Appealing A Colorado County Court Criminal Case Sentence – Rule 37

    Both the district attorney and the defendant can appeal a question of law and the defendant may appeal a judgment of the County Court to the District court of that same county.

    To be clear here – this appeal is to the District Court of the same county. A defendant has 35 days after the date of entry of judgment to file the proper notice of appeal in the County Court and to pay the advance costs for the preparation of the record. A copy of the Notice of Appeal and Designation of Record must also be served on the District Attorney.

    The Notice of Appeal and Designation of Record in the District Court within the 35 days.

    For more information on this process – click on this LINK

    Issues You Cannot Appeal If You Have “Taken A Plea” (Plea Bargained)

    If you take a plea bargain and do not exercise your right to a trial – you give up substantial civil rights that can no longer be raised on appeal.

    A plea batgain you enter into means that you cannot raise these arguments at all:

    1. Whether the evidence the prosecution collected was reliable.

    2. Whether the evidence the prosecution collected admissible at trial, or whether there was enough evidence to prove you were guilty of the charges.

    3. Whether certain evidence was unconstitutionally obtained examples include whether a police lineup was unfair, that the police illegally coerced you to confess, that the witnesses were not credible, or that the court made an incorrect ruling that certain evidence would be admissible at trial.

    4. Any claims about procedural matters that might have affected the fairness of a trial such as the denial of a defense, a motion to sever the trial of multiple charges or multiple defendants or the  denial of a motion for a continuance.

    Your Plea Agreement Is YOUR Plea Agreement

    If your plea agreement includes a stipulation to a specified sentence or a specified maximum term – known as a “cap” and the sentence was within the terms of that agreement, you have waived your right to challenge that sentence the ground that it violates Colorado law.

    On The Other Hand – You CAN Challenge Your Plea On These And Other Grounds:

        • Your plea was not knowingly and voluntarily made because when you entered your plea, you were not given an adequate advisement under Rule 11 Of the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure.
        • Your plea was not knowingly and voluntarily made because the “direct consequences” of your plea were not explained to you. When you enter a guilty, the court must advise you of the direct consequences such as the possible penalty… that is the maximum length of the prison or jail term.
        • Your plea was not knowingly and voluntarily made because the court did not advise you of immigration/deportation consequences of your plea if you are not a citizen of the United States.
        • Your plea was not voluntary because you entered your plea based on false or misleading information or you were coerced and threatened into accepting the plea which overcame an exercise of your free will.  This means the plea was not entered into voluntarily.

    Other Possibly Successful Grounds For Appealing Your Sentence

        • The Judge acted in excess of his or hr jurisdiction.
        • Your attorney failed to provide effective assistance of counsel during the plea proceedings.
        • There was no finding of a factual basis for the plea.
        • The sentence was not authorized or the Judge abused his or her discretion in selecting the sentence or if the set term or range of possible terms was exceeded by the Judge.

    Here Is The Actual Colorado Law That Applies to The Appeal Of A Felony Sentence

    18-1-409. Appellate Review of Sentence for a Felony

    (1) When sentence is imposed upon any person following a conviction of any felony,…. the person convicted shall have the right to one appellate review of the propriety of the sentence, having regard to the nature of the offense, the character of the offender, and the public interest, and the manner in which the sentence was imposed, including the sufficiency and accuracy of the information on which it was based;

    ….except that, if the sentence is within a range agreed upon by the parties pursuant to a plea agreement, the defendant shall not have the right of appellate review of the propriety of the sentence. The procedures to be employed in the review shall be as provided by supreme court rule.

    (2) No appellate court shall review any sentence which is imposed unless, within forty-nine days from the date of the imposition of sentence, a written notice is filed in the trial court to the effect that review of the sentence will be sought; said notice must state the grounds upon which it is based.

    (3) The reviewing court shall have power to affirm the sentence under review, substitute for the sentence under review any penalty that was open to the sentencing court other than granting probation or other conditional release, or remand the case for any further proceedings that could have been conducted prior to the imposition of the sentence under review, and for resentencing on the basis of such further proceedings.

    …No sentence in excess of the one originally imposed shall be given unless matters of aggravation in addition to those known to the court at the time of the original sentence are brought to the attention of the court during the hearing conducted under this section. If the court imposes a sentence in excess of the one first given, it shall specifically identify the additional aggravating facts considered by it in imposing the increased sentence.

    Some Colorado Case Law In This Area

    Criminal sentences cannot be excessive in length, must have due regard for the protection of the public interest, the nature of the offense, and the character of the offender as it relates to the probability of his rehabilitation.

    A Rational Selection – Sentencing decisions should reflect rational selection from various sentencing alternatives in a manner consistent with the dominant aims of the sentencing process.

    Wide Discretion – But a trial court has wide discretion in the imposition of a sentence. Appellate court should not modify sentence imposed by trial judge unless record exhibits clear abuse of discretion by the trial judge in his determination.

    Sentencing Factors – Guidelines for the determination of a sentence involve weighing several factors, including the nature of the offense, the character of the offender, rehabilitation of the defendant, the development of respect for law and deterrence of crime, and the protection of the public.

    Sentence Must Be Supported – A sentence must be supported by reasons in record. In felony convictions involving the imposition of a sentence to a correctional facility, the sentencing judge must state on the record the basic reasons for the imposition of sentence. Particularly where sentence involves restrictive form of deprivation.

    May Not Be Based On Speculation – A sentence may not be based on speculation. Speculation or conjecture regarding possible future facts is not accurate information upon which a sentence may be crafted.

    Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado?

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR: H. Michael SteinbergEmail The Author  – A Denver Colorado Sex Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer  – or call his office at 303-627-7777 during business hours – or call his cell if you cannot wait and need his immediate assistance – 720-220-2277.

    If you are charged with A Colorado crime or you have questions about the topic Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado? please call our office. The Law Offices of H. Michael Steinberg, in Denver, Colorado, provide criminal defense clients with effective, efficient, intelligent and strong legal advocacy. We can educate you and help you navigate the stressful and complex legal process related to your criminal defense issue.

    Colorado Criminal Sentencing Laws

    Colorado Criminal Sentencing Laws

    H. Michael Steinberg, is a Denver, Colorado criminal defense lawyer with over 40 years of day to day courtroom experience –  specializing in Colorado Criminal Law along the Front Range.  He will provide you with a free initial case consultation to evaluate your legal issues and to answer your questions with an honest assessment of your options.  Remember, it costs NOTHING to discuss your case.  Call now for an immediate free phone consultation.

    Helping Clients To Make Informed Decisions In the Defense of Colorado Criminal Cases.

    Contact A Lawyer with Three Decades of Experience as a Denver Criminal Attorney at The Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm Today.

    Colorado Defense Lawyer H. Michael Steinberg provides solid criminal defense for clients throughout the Front Range of Colorado – including the City and County courts of Adams County, Arapahoe County, City and County of Boulder, City and County of Broomfield, City and County of Denver, Douglas County, El Paso County – Colorado Springs, Gilpin County, Jefferson County, Larimer County, and Weld County,…. and all the other cities and counties of Colorado along the I-25 Corridor… on cases involving the topic Can I Appeal My Sentence In Colorado?

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