I hope you find the information on this website helpful in your search to understand Colorado Sex Crimes Laws - Tactics - Strategies - Defenses. I have written these pages in an attempt to explain Colorado's complex Sex Crimes criminal justice system .. Please call my Office at 303.627.7777 - Pager me at: 303.543-4433 or in emergencies call my cell at 720-220-2277 H. Michael Steinberg
I hope you find the information on this website helpful in your search to understand Colorado Sex Crimes Laws - Tactics - Strategies - Defenses. I have written these pages in an attempt to explain Colorado's complex Sex Crimes criminal justice system .. Please call my Office at 303.627.7777 - Pager me at: 303.543-4433 or in emergencies call my cell at 720-220-2277 H. Michael Steinberg
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    Colorado Pimping/Pandering Lawyer On – Law of Pandering- Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 – 18-7-206

    By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Sex Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer To Defend Pimping and Pandering Charges

    Colorado Pimping - Pandering Charges - Understanding the Law of Pandering -Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 - 18-7-206

    Colorado Pimping – Pandering Charges – Understanding the Law of Pandering -Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 – 18-7-206

    Colorado Pimping/Pandering Lawyer On – Law of Pandering- Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 – 18-7-206 – To understand Colorado’s Pandering and Pimping Laws – as in all criminal charges – you must start with the statute itself. What follows are these laws as of 2014.

    Pimping, and Pandering Laws in Colorado

    18-7-203. Pandering (2014)

    (1) Any person who does any of the following for money or other thing of value commits pandering:

    (a) Inducing a person by menacing or criminal intimidation to commit prostitution; or

    (b) Knowingly arranging or offering to arrange a situation in which a person may practice prostitution.

    (2) (a) Pandering under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section is a class 5 felony. A person who is convicted of pandering under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section shall be required to pay a fine of not less than five thousand dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars in addition to any penalty imposed by the court pursuant to section 18-1.3-401, which additional fine shall be transferred to the state treasurer, who shall transfer the same to the prostitution enforcement cash fund created in section 24-33.5-513, C.R.S.

    (b) Pandering under paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section is a class 3 misdemeanor. A person who is convicted of pandering under paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall be required to pay a fine of not less than five thousand dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars in addition to any penalty imposed by the court pursuant to section 18-1.3-501, which additional fine shall be transferred to the state treasurer, who shall transfer the same to the prostitution enforcement cash fund created in section 24-33.5-513, C.R.S.

    (2) Patronizing a prostitute with knowledge of being infected with acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a class 6 felony.

    18-7-206: Pimping (2014)

    Any person who knowingly lives on or is supported or maintained in whole or in part by money or other thing of value earned, received, procured, or realized by any other person through prostitution commits pimping, which is a class 3 felony.

    Common Defenses to Colorado Pimping and Pandering Laws

    In Colorado, it is a crime to engage in pimping, pandering, or any act that promotes the sex trade.

    A total list of Colorado’s Prostitution Laws is reprinted below. Defenses to these crimes can briefly be listed as.

    The prosecution of Colorado Pimping and Pandering cases often involves producing evidence of the crime by using undercover police officers who use both audio and video surveillance, and the use of local CI’s (confidential informants).

    Local police governments will use “sting operations” that are usually poorly run, poorly organized, and poorly executed plans. They are often the lowest priority for the police and the police departments saddled with these operations often dislike having to perform them.

    Some Common Defenses are:


    Insufficient Evidence of the Commission of the Crime.

    False Accusations

    A Lack of Criminal Intent to Commit the Crime Charged

    A Comprehensive List Of Colorado Sex Crimes – Adults – Defined

    Pimping – Living on, or being supported or maintained by, money or other things of value earned, received, procured, or realized by any other individual through prostitution (Section 18-7-206, C.R.S.) Class 3 felony

    Prostitution – An actor offering or agreeing to perform a sexual act with any person who is not that actor’s spouse in exchange for money or other things of value (Section 18-7-201 (1), C.R.S.) Class 3 misdemeanor

    Prostitution with knowledge of being infected with AIDS – An actor, who has tested positive for HIV, offering or agreeing to perform a sexual act with any person who is not that actor’s spouse in exchange for money or other things of value (Section 18-7-201.7 (1), C.R.S.) Class 5 felony

    Soliciting for prostitution – Soliciting another, arranging or offering to arrange a meeting of persons, or directing another to a place for the purpose of prostitution (Section 18-7-202 (1), C.R.S.) Class 3 misdemeanor

    Keeping a place of prostitution – Having or exercising control over the use of any place which offers seclusion or shelter for the practice of prostitution and performing any one or more of the following:

    • knowingly granting or permitting the use of such place for the purpose of prostitution; or

    • permitting the continued use of such place for the purpose of prostitution after becoming aware of facts or circumstances from which a reasonable individual would know that the place is being used for purposes of prostitution (Section 18-7-204, C.R.S.) Class 2 misdemeanor

    Patronizing a prostitute – • Engaging in a sexual act with a prostitute; or entering or remaining in a place of prostitution with intent to engage in a sexual act (Section 18-7-205 (1), C.R.S.)  The third (or higher) conviction for engaging in a sexual act with a prostitute; or entering or remaining in a place of prostitution with intent to engage in a sexual act (Section 18-7-205 (1), C.R.S.) Class 1 misdemeanor or Class 1 petty offense

    Patronizing a prostitute with knowledge of being infected with AIDS – Engaging in a sexual act with a prostitute; or entering or remaining in a place of prostitution with intent to engage in a sexual act, after testing positive for HIV (Section 18-7-205.7, C.R.S.) Class 6 felony

    Indecent exposure – Knowingly exposing one’s genitals to the view of any person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person (Section 18-7-302 (1), C.R.S.)  Third or subsequent incident of knowingly exposing one’s genitals to the view of any person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person (Section 18-7-302 (4), C.R.S.) – Class 6 felony or Class 1 misdemeanor

    Pimping Defense Attorney in Denver – The defense of Colorado pandering and pimping charges requires retaining an experienced defense attorney. CRS 18-7-203, or Pimping – CRS 18-7-206.

    Colorado Pimping/Pandering Lawyer On – Law of Pandering- Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 – 18-7-206

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    Never stop fighting – never stop believing in yourself and your right to due process of law.

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR: H. Michael Steinberg – Email The Author at hmsteinberg@hotmail.com  – A Denver Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer – or call his office at 303-627-7777 during business hours – or call his cell if you cannot wait and need his immediate assistance – 720-220-2277. Attorney H. Michael Steinberg is passionate about criminal defense. His extensive knowledge and experience of Colorado Criminal Law gives him the edge you need to properly handle your case.

    A Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. If you are seeking counsel there maybe other more specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics. For that, please contact the author.

    If you are charged with A Colorado crime or you have questions about the topic of this article Colorado Pimping/Pandering Lawyer On – Law of Pandering- Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 – 18-7-206, please call our office. The Law Offices of H. Michael Steinberg, in Denver, Colorado, provide criminal defense clients with effective, efficient, intelligent and strong legal advocacy. We can educate you and help you navigate the stressful and complex legal process related to your criminal defense issue.

    Over 40 Years Specializing in Colorado Criminal LawH. Michael Steinberg, is a Denver, Colorado criminal defense lawyer with over 40 years of day to day courtroom experience – specializing in Colorado Criminal Law along the Front Range. He will provide you with a free initial case consultation to evaluate your legal issues and to answer your questions with an honest assessment of your options. Remember, it costs NOTHING to discuss your case. Call now for an immediate free phone consultation.


    Helping Clients To Make Informed Decisions In the Defense of Colorado Criminal Cases.

    Contact A Lawyer with Three Decades of Experience as a Denver Criminal Attorney at The Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm today.

    Colorado Defense Lawyer H. Michael Steinberg regularly appears and provides solid criminal defense for clients throughout the Front Range of Colorado – including the courts of:

    Adams County (Adams County criminal defense lawyer), Arapahoe County (Arapahoe County criminal defense lawyer), City and County of Boulder (Boulder County criminal defense lawyer), City and County of Broomfield (Broomfield County criminal defense lawyer), City and County of Denver (Denver criminal defense lawyer), Douglas County (Douglas County criminal defense lawyer), El Paso County – Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs criminal defense lawyer), Gilpin County (Gilpin County criminal defense lawyer), Jefferson County (Jefferson County criminal defense lawyer), Larimer County, and Weld County ( Larimer and Weld County criminal defense lawyer,….

    and all the other cities and counties of Colorado along the I-25 Corridor… on cases involving the subject of this article – Colorado Pimping/Pandering Lawyer On – Law of Pandering- Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 – 18-7-206.

    Colorado Pimping/Pandering Lawyer On - Law of Pandering- Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 - 18-7-206
    Article Name
    Colorado Pimping/Pandering Lawyer On - Law of Pandering- Pimping- CRS 18-7-203 - 18-7-206
    This article answers questions about Colorado's Pimping - Pandering Laws.

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    Primary Web Site:  http://www.HMichaelSteinberg.com
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